Check here for news and updates on what the Team has been up to...
29th February 2024
- Duncan Avis and Alex Nicholls were asked by LEDA Orthopaedics to return to Brighton for another cadaveric instructional course at Brighton Medical School, teaching over 20 UK surgeons how to perform thumb base replacement surgery.
6th November 2023
- Alex Nicholls was invited to present at an evening event in London for the International Bone Research Association (IBRA) on complex wrist fractures.
6th October 2023
- Alex Nicholls and Kevin Spear were guest speakers at the British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT) annual conference in Bournemouth. They gave a symposium on thumb base joint replacement surgery for arthritis.

20th June 2023
- Duncan Avis and Alex Nicholls were asked by LEDA Orthopaedics to teach on an instructional course at Brighton Medical School for senior surgeons to learn how to perform thumb base replacement surgery.

13th October 2022
- Jonathan Hobby , in his capacity as President of the British Society for Surgery for the Hand (BSSH), welcomed hand surgeons from around the UK, and abroad, to the Autumn Scientific meeting in Winchester.

- All three of our team hosted a lunchtime symposium during the meeting discussing their experience of thumb base replacement surgery.

10th June 2022
- Our surgeons had a busy week in London at the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) triennial congress. All the team were involved chairing sessions, giving talks and hosting visiting surgeons.